I would rather jab my eye with a fork than play Pokemon cards again. Really. Can anyone else relate? Thanks to some quality phone time with a good friend, I know I’m not alone in this. I just needed to change my attitude and step it up a notch… for everyone’s sake! If you’re in the same boat, and are looking for activities that you can do with your kids over Spring Break, or on rainy weekends, I’ve put together some sanity-saving DIY’s this week!
Have you heard of yarn-bombing before? I posted an example of it here… but I’m not a knitter, so I won’t be doing that. When I discovered eyebombing last week, I thought “HOW FUN! The boys would love this!” And I was right! My oldest and I spent a half hour placing eyes strategically throughout the house to surprise his younger sibling. It was really fun for us eye-bombers to watch all the faces being discovered with glee. And, now the younger one is excited to surprise his brother the next time he’s out.
This one’s good for the kid at heart too, don’t you think! I would love to hear what YOUR favorite activities are to do with kids! Oh, and stay tuned for more, because I’m only just getting started!
Photo Credit: Rosa Pearson (FlutterFlutter)