These faces have been staring at me in the shower for three years now. A little spooky, no?! I don’t know what’s worse, that, or the hideous tile behind those eyes! Welcome to my upstairs bathrooms. Aren’t you glad you popped over today?! Yes, anyone who’s commented about how my house must be perfect… eat your heart out on this little slice of the 70’s. I know you’re jealous.
I think these boys need to be put out to pasture. I no longer want to shower with my little friends. They’ve got to go. Time to start planning “Operation Bathroom Renovation”!
How about you? Any vintage lovelies overstaying their welcome at your house? Please tell me I’m not alone in wanting to bomb my bathrooms?
If you could use some lighting, then don’t forget to enter the $75 Arcadian Lighting Giveaway by this Friday!
Photo Credits: Rosa Pearson @ FlutterFlutter
Don’t beat yourself up , the tile is much more modern that the 70’s… I think my parents had the same tile, and their house was built in 1980 (is that better or worse than 70’s!?!). I have to say, that when I first saw the tiles, I thought, “Aww, I remember those tiles from when I was a kid!” I wish my problem was ‘vintage lovelies’. We just have modern uglies at my house. Hideous grape or lilac and ivy border in the bedroom to go with the poorly painted pea green walls. Ick! I’ve got a colour picked and everything. Now I just need that man to come home and paint for me!
Rosa, our bathrooms are like kindred spirits, it seems. We have not one, but three bathrooms clad in brown tile that’s very similar to yours! AND we have the pretty flowers on a few of those tiles (ours are from the 80’s). We’re getting the final quote on our master ensuite tomorrow and then are going to start planning the destruction. One brown bathroom on its way, two to go! I’m going to post before photos on my blog when we get started so don’t feel alone! Good luck with your planning 🙂
Looking forward to seeing your bathroom “face lift” (Sorry, couldn’t resist!)
I love this post! I think it’s kinda of a happy face! Can’t wait to see what you come up with.
That picture made me smile this am! excited to see what the makeover will look like.
Creepy, ya! I’m curious…have you named your shower friends?
Haha…cute pic Rosa!
You really need to pop up to Ironwood to see our 4 lovely 80/90’s bathrooms. One has brown Hibiscusthe others pink, turqoise, blue, beige paint strokes! Awesome
Haha Rosa you are soooo funny!! Love this post! x Maria