Entries Tagged as 'Friends Who Blog'

Out & About: RAW Canvas



Oh my goodness I had such a fun night! Met up with some friends from design school (we graduated a LONG time ago now, I’ll just leave it at that) and spent the night chatting and painting at RAW Canvas in Vancouver!! The music was perfect, the food awesome (how can I not love a menu that is TOTALLY gluten free except for the bread!!), and the people that work there were so friendly! Thanks for such a great night guys! Can’t wait to do it again!

This was the result of two hours of painting… not finished yet… but the process was so much fun! I always forget just how much I love to paint, until I do. As I stood there last night painting line upon line of trees, I found myself thinking about The Nester’s post… and wish all my friends that say they “can’t paint” could have been there with us last night. Making art is fun!! And anyone can do it!

Weekend Wrap Up: Valentine’s Day



There are certain things that make Saturday mornings complete around here. Pancakes (gluten free, of course), PJ’s, coffee for him, a latte for me, my fuzzy socks, and family adventures. Saturday is our day to just be together, with nothing scheduled other than an adventure of some sort. This weekend the pancakes were heart-shaped, using the Norpro heart egg/pancake ring. Since the handle swivels, I can use it as a decoration after the pancakes are made, lol. Okay, maybe not. But they did remind me of these cute photo clips I saw here.

Today’s adventure involved swimming and making Valentine’s. And, of course, what romantic Valentine’s weekend would be complete without a group date night of go karting! (that was sarcasm, in case that’s not your language : ) But seriously, it was great! So fast it was freaky, but so much fun! Hope you’re enjoying your weekend too!

Happy New Year!



This New Year’s was the first time that we’ve made it to midnight in six years! Sad, I know, but children have brought out the love of sleep in us. Ringing in the New Year disco style with my hubby and new friends from the neighborhood was such a great change! Thanks for such a great party Lori & Matt!

I hope that you all had a great time ringing in the New Year. Welcome 2011! Thanks for all your comments on my blog so far! You’re all great!!

(Disclaimer: This post is a day past due because I had to talk Jason, I mean Austin Powers, into letting me post it. Thanks hon, you’re a trooper.)

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