Entries Tagged as 'Decor'

Simple Holiday Decor Ideas





Holiday Decor

Here are 5 simple ideas to help bring a little holiday spirit into your decor:

  1. Bring the outdoors in! Whether it’s branches in the fall, or fresh flowers in Spring, bringing plants inside brightens up these winter days. I have three Ikea pots that sit on the windowsill in my kitchen, and every season I swap out the plants inside them. This year I saw some of these Gaultheria plants and fell in love with their pops of red and green!
  2. Think outside the tree. If you have ornaments from holidays’ past, don’t get rid of them just yet… use them to fill a vase and prop up some sticks. Or simply mixed into a bowl of pinecones.
  3. You gotta have faith. Bring some of what makes the holiday season special to you and your family into your home. We are all about Christmas here at our house, and our little wooden nativity scene fits perfectly under our massive star, don’t you think?
  4. Add a little sparkle! Mix a little shimmer into your tabletop vignette. Contrast it with natural elements to keep things warm.
  5. Lighten up. Candles, floating in a bowl of fresh cranberries, surrounded by dried rose hip berries, or just placed in your favorite votive… there is no wrong choice at this time of year. And remember, adding a warm glow to your home also casts a very flattering light on your guests when you’re entertaining!

Are you all done decorating for the holidays? I’m all about keeping it simple this year! I’m having to let some things slide that I usually wouldn’t, because I’m finding that my priorities have shifted, and there just aren’t enough hours in the day to do it all. For example, if you usually receive a Christmas card from me, you may get it via email this year, or not at all! I know! How will you ever recover! 😉

Halloween Wrap Up



I hope that you enjoyed a fun Halloween this year! We sure did! Gotta love great neighbors, makeshift fireworks, and the faces of two very excited kids! I also love the beautiful little pops of orange throughout the house at this time of year!

Halloween at our house started with spooky pancakes. Jason used a turkey baster to free-form outlines of cat heads, witches hats, moons, and pumpkins, of course! He then carefully filled them in, and voila! I was pretty impressed by the pancakes, but my favourite was the costume he donned to welcome the kids that evening. Priceless.

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