Inquiring minds want to know! My Milk Art post brought many questions about whether or not I’d attempted to transfer the effect onto paper. I hadn’t, but since I would happily repeat this one, I thought I’d give it a shot.
Well, here is your answer… it does NOT work. Not well at least. All the detail and vibrancy is lost as soon as the paper touches down, and that really is the best part. If you are looking to make this into long lasting art I would suggest that taking a picture is your best bet.
Aw…well, it was worth a try, right?!
Thanks for sharing the result – even if it’s not the one we were all hoping for!
Thanks for testing it out for us! Maybe I’ll give it a go with my niece this weekend anyway. 😉
Have a good day Rosa.
Hmmmmm it’s cool that you tried it and let us know. Looks cool though just not as vibrant.
Ahhh, and a picture doesn’t lie! Your second round of milk art was just as beautiful as your first! Why change it up, right?
So pretty! It’s too bad that it doesn’t transfer well but it is very pretty to look at. I think Jamie and I will have to give it a whirl
You can transfert it if you use water with methilcelulose and ink or oil paint as suminagashi tecnique. My kids love it.