My sweet 6 year old just got his gi (karate uniform) after a couple weeks of proving to us that he really wanted to stay with the karate class that he chose. We took him to try out a couple of different martial arts classes at various places to see what he liked, and he chose the class that was “more challenging”. The fact that he’s choosing the challenging option makes me very happy! He is SO excited and proud of his uniform. He slept in it last night, and he brought it to school for show and tell today. It’s amazing how much he’s learned and improved in just a couple of weeks!
As you can see in the background, Jason was cooking dinner when we got home from all the running around. Scrambled eggs – dinner of champions. : )
(Had to make it black and white, because of course the picture with the best expression on his face was the one where I forgot to turn off the flash.)
Way to go C!
Gifts for Ninja Lovers | December 14, 2011 6:54AM
[…] there any other ninja lovers out there? I’ve got a couple at this house, and so I loved to see Anthology Magazine feature these fantastic Ninjabread Men […]