It all started when Ben wanted to play Lego inside, and Cole, outside. I broke the stalemate by introducing a water hose. Lego reached a new level of fun!
If you spray the hose just right it creates some major whirlpool action! The boys had a blast watching their figures whipping around, and taking turns throwing in extra figures. When the tub filled up I watered the plants to empty the tub, and the fun started all over again. By the end of it, everyone was wet, and happy!
I hope you had a fabulous weekend enjoying some summer fun!
Boys + water, always a magic combination. Lovely photos. 🙂
Love it!!
how fantastic! lego and water will always be fun, no matter how old you are, i think 😉 awesome pics! xo
THIS is what summer is all about. It’s raining today but the sun is coming back for more 🙂
Simply fun 🙂 I am gonna see how my boys respond to this- probably won’t be able to get them back inside!
Just catching up on my blog reading…nothing beats summer and a water hose, except maybe throwing a few Lego dudes into the mix! How fun!