Happy Easter



Jason is such a great husband for me and father to the boys. He sets a good example for the boys with his loving gestures, like the tulips he brought home last week! I filled the base of the vase with rocks that flew home with us from California. I love how they remind me of sun and sand and holidays.

Last year, a couple of days after Easter, I woke to find this little note and eggs on top of my computer, left by my then six year old. So sweet! He has watched his dad leave notes throughout the house before he goes out of town and now he’s following in his footsteps. I’m looking forward to treating the boys to some chocolate of their own on Sunday morning.

I’m so excited to have a four day weekend! In addition to heading to church to celebrate true love, and the various family feasts, we’ll also be touring Home Depot to complete some projects around the house. What are you up to this weekend? Hope it’s a good one!


  • Victoria @ DTTD blog & Edin's House blog

    Happy Easter Rosa!
    You’re surrounded by 3 good men aren’t you?! πŸ˜‰
    My weekend is filled with projects… but it’ll be fun. And the sun is shining!!

  • Shelley@2jacs

    Very very sweet! There’s definitely not enough Chivalry in this world and it looks like there will be some lucky ladies in the future:) I have about 4 projects on the go at the moment, so I will be plugging along on those. Good thing the weather is cooperating for painting furniture outdoors! Have a great Easter weekend Rosa!

  • meesh@idreamofchairs

    So sweet and heartwarming! Have a fantastic Easter weekend! I’ll be searching out tall rectangular planters to use as a divider. Probably heading to Home Depot as well. πŸ™‚

  • Shannon8foot6

    What darling boys!
    These gestures aren’t made in this household.

    Happy Easter!!!

    I wish we could skip out to home depot this afternoon!

  • Diane

    Sounds like a lovely Easter weekend. Happy Easter! Glad you have a great trip to California!

    • Rosa

      Thanks Diane! It was a fabulous trip… still need to get all my pics together so I can post about it! πŸ™‚

      Happy Easter to you too!

  • beverly

    Happy Easter from me too!
    Years ago I did the same as you with the rocks – but had no idea the salty rocks from the beach weren’t best for my flowers – resulting in almost instant death. I hope you washed yours really well because those tulips are gorgeous. (Most every lesson I know is from a mistake.)

    • Rosa

      Good to know!!! They did die rather quickly this time. I wouldn’t have even thought of that being a problem, so thanks Beverly! πŸ™‚ Happy Easter to you too!

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